Gurbani & Co LLC
in association with Sutedja & Partners
Our international trade practice encompasses al aspects of international trade, including disputes relating to the international sale of goods and services, export finance and insurance, shipping and transportation and international commercial dispute settlement. We also advise on various regulatory and compliance issues in the international commercial arena, including unfair trade practices and regulations governing agency relationships, distribution, product safety and warranties.
In addition to the above, we advise clients on all contentious and non-contentious aspects of trading, financing and transport of commodities in international trade. Our lawyers have particular expertise in international commercial arbitration, cross-border dispute settlement as well as the conflicts of law and jurisdictional issues to which they give rise.
These include:
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
The Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association Ltd (FOSFA)
The Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA)
The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), and
The Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA)